We make a start together

Aitech Consulting

We must all be actors of a responsible digital world! We’re ready to give you the best…

Data consulting

Digital business

Our goal :

To help and accompany our clients towards strategic, technological and operational changes and to push our own services further.

  • Save time – we focus on the details
  • Support and strategies -in the transformation and valorization of data.
  • Increase- efficiency through management and consulting
  • Approach to - an understanding of the <<business model>>
  • Analytical CRM & Operational Marketing

Our Skills

Innovation in Technology Consulting.Simply that’s what we do...

We live in an era characterized by ever-increasing quantities
of data, by technological developments at a fast rhythm,by companies whose employees access data scattered around the world.From 2020, under the leadership of its president, Aitech & consulting adheres to research for the development and promotion of any company, with business in full transparency through "communication of progress",debating actions taken through advanced ideas.The general management of Aitech & Consulting wants the company to remain respectful of the women and men it hire,the expectations of its customers, the laws that govern its business and its environment, which must help build a more responsible world for future generations.*

Consulting & Business Planning

Our clients include software developers, hardware manufacturers, digital media companies, telecommunications companies, as well as digital companies, real estate agencies and many startups for which innovative intellectual property is essential.


All Services

Software Development

Digital technology business

Live a simple and secure digital life

Redefine application support and maintenance with our innovative solutions ,with experience-centric and business-aligned outcomes. Leveraging intelligent automation and contextualized application support operations, we deliver the results you need to build your future today.Toate companiile au nevoi complexe, în funcție de stadiul lor de dezvoltare. Start-up-urile cu creștere rapidă, organizațiile gestionate de proprietari, antreprenorii cu mai multe portofolii și companiile multinaționale Caută servicii de consultanță în strategia de creștere.

We are Technology Consulting